Nothing Tastes as Good as Skinny Feels…Or So I’ve Heard…


I’ve hear it said that nothing tastes as good as skinny feels. I like to think this is true, but I can’t say for sure for two reasons. The first being that I’ve never been skinny; the second being that I’ve tasted some pretty darn good food in my life.


I’ve been sitting around lately, wondering where my pants that fit well have gotten to. Or wondering why my pants that used to be baggy now fit well. Or why the pants that used to be just a tad bit tight are now a tragic muffin top incident waiting to happen. And why my bras are just…I can’t even think of a creative description for what happens there. *shiver* I may have gained some weight.




Now, the emotional, old school response to this realization would be to sneak down stairs and polish off half of the donut holes. But the rational response (which is MUCH LESS FUN! Hmph!) would be to ask myself what happened to the healthier lifestyle I was living that facilitated the weight loss in the first place.


Well pooh. Into the breach we go…


It’s pretty easy for me to pin point some contributing factors to the recent weight again. First off, I started having to buy my own food. No joke here. When I lived with the family I nannied for, they were low carb-high fiber-lots of veggies family, and I didn’t have to pay for my food; it was part of the gig. But when I moved out of my own, I quickly discovered that healthy, lower carb, higher fiber foods ain’t cheap. Cheese Puffs are traitorously cheap, believe me.


A second issue was the increase in the physical stress of my life. I started a job that had created some really rather unpleasant physical stress on my body. I spent many a night after work spread eagle on the bed, forbidding John to touch me, because EVERYTHING HURT. When you’re in constant pain, you don’t want a salad and you don’t want to eat one piece of whole wheat bread. You want French fries and half a loaf of Wonder Bread. Dieting is not comforting, even when some comfort can be taken in the fact that you’re helping yourself be the best you possible. Still that is small comfort when you really just want to finish that pint of Ben & Jerry’s.


And then there was the drop in physical exercise, which on a strange side note made me feel better physically, but played merry havoc on my mental health. The Autumn off season saw me and my co-workers having out hours DECIMATED, so, I spent most of my days sitting around the apartment, grumpy and bored. At least while I was working, I was burning off some of the junk I was eating. During this time period, that wasn’t the case.


What was the point I was trying to make here?? AHA! How to respond to weight gain! Sorry, I just got so caught up in my own…


AHA AGAIN!! That’s it! I get caught up in my own stuff, and get so bogged down by what went wrong that I just can’t pull myself out. Instead of making the changes that I know I need to make, I rest in my comfy space and stick my tongue out at the right choices and just hope they go away.


What do I need to do? I need to do what I know how to do. I’ve done it before, on a much larger scale, I can do it again.


After this donut….


Published by Mrs W

I'm Claire Wicinske. Wife of questionable skill. Surprised Midwesterner. Tentative writer. Creating myself every day. I hope to use this space to sharpen my craft and bring a smile or two in the process.

2 thoughts on “Nothing Tastes as Good as Skinny Feels…Or So I’ve Heard…

  1. Hang in Claire and I am sorry about the pretzels! Try to limit yourself to one a day or ………… I will be praying for you.


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